Creative breakthroughs while riding

I came across an article this morning on the mental health benefits of cycling. I’ll be honest “healthy addiction” was listed as one but I can’t say, even after all these years, that I’m addicted to cycling. There are days when it’s still a struggle to suit up and get out on the road but I’m always glad I did for several of the other reasons that are listed such as 1) promotes an overall healthy lifestyle 2) improved self-esteem and 3) better sleep.

One of the benefits listed is reduced stress. I can see how it could reduce any stress I might be feeling related to works and/or the kids, for example, but riding in traffic can create a different type of stress for me.

They also list “creative breakthrough” while riding. I ride almost exclusively with my husband and this definitely applies to him. While I might be focusing on the pretty flowers in the ditch, he’s thinking about problems at work and how to solve them. I can always tell when he’s deep in thought because he slows down. I sometimes have to snap him out of it in order to get back to our normal pace. Me –  “what ya thinkin’ about?” Him – “oh…sorry…work”

Want to read the entire article? Click HERE

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